Wednesday 26 March 2014

Jailbroken iPad triple boots iOS 5, iOS 6, & iOS 7 (video) / iOS update Apple release released update overhaul design user interface apps app designed new features update hacker boot version jailbreak winocm booting build /

Pac-Man fish tank — drivin’ fish crazy

Credit: Instructables member antoniraj/TechnaBob / maze tank aquarium water gold fish project /

Forget black hats — the best hackers are going grey and getting legit / bug bounty make going legit a tempting proposition report Rand Corporation increasing market software vulnerabilities sell sold legitimately legitimate tempting hackers crackers go legit vagaries black market code credentials economic seesaw market Michael Callahan VP security products Juniper Networks sell legitimate market verses selling sell online arms dealers driven economics black market lucrative drugs trade report risks police law enforcement is improving catch cyber criminals attackers upper hand double-crossing industry sellers black market bazar stolen credit cards and credentials bug bounty programs revenue security specialists legitimate source of income rewards major undiscovered vulnerabilities security organizations government buyers iOS zero-day serious Windows flaw flaw American government outspend market revenue streams malware generation exploit kits source illicit revenue market increasingly flooded dodgy practices security software /

How the ocean reins in global warming / climate change response increasing anthropogenic emissions global warming greenhouse gases gasses excess heat accumulates Earth system thermal energy goes lower atmosphere land landmass Yavor Kostov graduate student Program in Atmospheres Oceans and ClimatePAOC MIT Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences EAPS saturated heat ocean’s capacity store heat global warming green house greenhouse gas CO2 carbon dioxide hot topic climate science climate models oceanic ocean heat uptake high-latitude regions North Atlantic Southern Ocean store heat different depths papers paper published Geophysical Research Letters predictions global warming over the coming centuries ocean circulation deep overturning circulation North Atlantic Ocean AMOC transports buries atmospheric heat Kyle Armour EAPS postdoc John Marshall MIT professor oceanography various assumptions major ocean feature model predictions Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC projections deeper stronger AMOC capacity store heat delay long-term global warming stronger overturning circulation climate predictions cloud responses improve predictions future warming real-world measurements geographical location depth geographical location ocean heat uptake climate change /