Apple CEO, Tim Cook
Credit: Seattle Times
‘Apple Inc. told a federal judge that it “would be impossible” to access user data on a locked iPhone running one of the newer operating systems, but that it could likely help the government unlock an older phone.’ – Wall Street Journal
Tim Cook (Apple CEO) told NPR: ‘But the reality is that if you have an open door in your software for the good guys, the bad guys get in there too.’
And who do you think is he talking about below, later in the same interview? ;)
‘But what they [the customer] don't want to do, they don't want your email to be read, & then to pick up on keywords in your email & then to use that information to then market you things on a different application that you're using ... If you're in our News app, & you're reading something, we don't think that in the News app that we should know what you did with us on the Music app — not to trade information from app to app to app to app.’ – Apple CEO Tim Cook, interviewed by NPR / Apple Inc. federal judge would be impossible access user data locked iPhone running newer operating systems government unlock older phone brief filed most cases unable assist government unlocking password-protected iPhone brief filed U.S. Magistrate Judge James Orenstein request Justice Department order Apple help government investigators access seized iPhone most cases government’s requested order substantially burdensome impossible perform running iOS 8 higher Apple not have technical ability government requests possession password protected device extract unencrypted user data device government security features iOS 8 feature prevents without device’s passcode accessing device’s encrypted data includes Apple brief mirrors Apple’s public comments debate law enforcement phone encryption 16 prosecutors sent letters Senate Judiciary Committee back doors backdoor devices law enforcement iPhone older operating system iOS 7 Apple technical ability extract certain categories unencrypted data Apple access user-generated files Apple’s native apps phones running iOS 7 older operating systems can’t extract email calendar entries third-party app data Justice Department seeking access iPhone details case remain under seal Apple could help government iPhone working order substantial costs burden prefer not to forcing Apple extract data legal authority threaten trust Apple customers tarnish Apple brand brief Apple’s outside counsel Ken Dreifach, Marc Zwillinger Jeffrey Landis reputational harm longer term economic impact cost performing single extraction at issue Judge Orenstein earlier ruling case authority force Apple help government Justice Department case federal judges power All Writs Act 18th-century law power design devices world's most valuable company feature privacy users store important private data devices account numbers personal messages photos Apple CEO Tim Cook NPR's Robert Siegel protects customers' data, information government requests customer text messages government correct through courts information design products privacy designed into product security designed in most personal data phone financial data health information conversations friends family co-workers data Apple data on phone encrypted you control national security encryption back door backdoor national security matters open door software good guys bad guys Washington, D.C. employees government data stolen customers help keep their data safe National Security Agency NSA back door backdoor FBI everyone's coming around to some core tenets encryption is a must in today's world any back door means back door for bad guys good guys backdoor back door government Apple's recent emphasis customer privacy help keep lives private privacy fundamental human right maintain trust values point of view commercial interest people right to privacy customers collect your data understand every detail your life customer purchasing history buy App Store bought from App Store customers trade information app to app /