Credit: Safeplug/Cloud Engines Inc/Funky Space Monkey
Be aware, though, that this device can only do so much: Flash & other plugins can still leak data, & anything typed or sent on line can impact privacy. / cheap device Safeplug makes it easy use Tor anonymity network home anonymity tools tool Tor easier easy to use online disguise connect connecting small box your Internet router anonymize Web surfing Tor privacy tool used activists criminals USA U.S.A. U.S. United States of America intelligence obscure traces trace online activities repackage repackaged mass market device launched launch consumers consumer route home Internet connection Tor network block most online ads advertisement advertizement advertise advertize add ad mass amrket mass-market product Jed Putterman chief product officer PogoPlug develop development developer developed Safeplug cloud storage backup home use family friendly family-friendly protection download downloading bundle software new Web browser each device use anonymously anonymous home Internet router Internet connected Internet-connected device Tor Safeplug proxy server computers network go-between access Internet device built in built-in advertising blocker disabled by default Putterman device appeal to families ISPs ISP online companies company ad networks IP address identity identity online activityreveal a person’s location track tracking link online activity behavioral profiles advertising purposes NSA surveillance encryption Mehmet Güneş assistant professor University of Nevada Reno anonymity tools obscure adjust online behavior unlinkability from source to destination anonymity leak identifying information Flash plug-in plug in plugin media add-ons add on add ons addon addons information type or send disable disabling disabled browser plug-ins slow down Web traffic secure /