Credit: Übergizmo
On your smart phone, call up a Google search bar – widget, browser – doesn't seem to matter – & type:
bubble level
On at least some smartphones, both iOS & Android, you will see a simulated bubble level as shown in the image above.
Tested successfully on iPhone 6+, Samsung Note 4 & Note 3
Some devices, including Samsung S3 & S4 display, “Device not supported”.
Thanks to Phil, Peter & John for help with testing. / Search Google Bubble Level nifty feature love about Google answer your search results displayed at a glance convert from one measure to another search results display summary answer links expanded answer Google search double up as a tool need a bubble level screenshot above searching for “bubble level” Google result actual working bubble level displayed search results not all phones are supported could potentially be your browser settings works on iOS devices Android only thing unfamiliar bubble level spirit level tools use to determine ground is level surface used by landscape photographers ensure that their cameras are level tripod placed on an uneven surface handy hang paintings photos on the wall make sure that it isn’t crooked replace actual bubble/spirit levels in a pinch don’t want to go out and buy one specifically should be able to get the job done /