Friday 29 July 2016

Google vs spam phone calls

Credit: Alamy/The Guardian

Google has just upgraded spam phone call handling on Nexus & Android One phones running Android 6.0 or above.

The Guardian

Google support

If you don’t have one of the phones listed above, Android has something for you too. After a spam (or other unwanted) phone call:

● go into the Logs screen of the phone app
● select the unwanted phone call
● select the menu icon ( ≡ or ⋮ )
● select Add to Auto reject list
● press back
● menu icon ( ≡ or ⋮ )
● Settings
● Call
● Call rejection
● Auto reject mode

Auto reject numbers 🔘

/ new spam-blocking spam blocking feature Google integrated default app Android devices Google taking action against spam callers new version phone app Android devices identifies block spammers phone app update Google’s Google separate core phone features OS operating system updates Nexus smartphones Android One devices Nexus 6P Nexus 5X new spam-blocking feature extension Google’s caller ID system helps identify businesses stored your address book phone app checks incoming call numbers database flags spammers big red banner spam caller identified user option permanently block number whitelist false positives first time apps scan incoming calls help users avoid answering spam calls first time Google integrated default app Android devices third-party apps Truecaller available Android iOS iPhone users limited iOS’s locked-down call screeners next version iPhone operating system iOS 10 release iPhone 5 or newer include new caller ID extension system spam alerts Android iPhone iOS OS operating system /