Credit: Red Stripe/The Gadgeteer
Color-blindness is reduced sensitivity to one or more colors. Most common is a reduced sensitivity to red or green wavelengths. These conditions are collectively known as red-green color-blindness. Practical consequence is not only a difficulty distinguishing red from green, but all colors which include red or green. E.g. a person with reduced sensitivity to red will confuse blue & purple due to reduced ability to see the red in purple.
Red Stripe is an iOS & OSX app which provides a guide to the amount of red in red, orange, & purple objects by superimposing white lines over the object in the camera image.
Red–green color blindness / distinguish red from green indicate amount of redness red orange purple objects series of stripes superimposed Red Stripe app device’s camera view objects overlay overlays stripes red component more red more intense stripes app user stripes blue or green objects red green deficiencies see blue yellow stripes help distinguish grayish objects red Red Stripe app iOS devices Mac computers iOS version Red Stripe deutan color vision deficiencies deuteranopia Protanopia deuteranopia protanomaly deuteranomaly