Credit: Getty Images/ Time / benefits heart eating strawberries blueberries can lifetime latest research bright-colored bright coloured colored color colour berry berries healthy diet anthocyanins vibrant color antioxidants fight damage cell study published journal Circulation confirms quantifies benefit women ate three more servings blueberries strawberries per week reduced their risk of heart attack by up to one third researchers Harvard School of Public Health University of East Anglia U.K. United Kingdom Great Britain England analyzed data 93,600 women ages 25 to 42 Nurses’ Health Study 18 years women filled out surveys detailing their diets four-year intervals during study women experienced 405 heart attacks consumed the most blueberries and strawberries 32% reduced risk of heart attack compared with the women who ate berries once a month or less eat healthier overall, consuming more vegetables and fruits than those who didn’t eat as many berries; but when the scientists broke down the women’s diets, they found that the highest consumers of berries even had a lower risk of heart attack compared with women who still ate plenty of fruits and vegetables but fewer berries. The effect remained even after the researchers adjusted for other things that can influence heart-disease risk, such as obesity, high blood pressure, smoking, low levels of physical activity and a family history of heart disease /