Credit: How Stuff Works
Weather happens over hours, days & weeks. Climate happens over years & decades. The atmosphere is a heat engine, which moves heat around the Globe. Oceans too, redistribute heat around the Earth. While some parts of the Earth are becoming hotter, others are becoming colder.
In parts of the northern hemisphere, cold weather is being experienced. Unusually hot weather is being experienced in parts of the southern hemisphere.
“Global warming” & “climate change” are terms used to summarise the ideas in the paragraphs above. / James Inhofe senator Oklahoma threw snowball America upper chamber man-made climate change threat President Barack Obama chairman Senate’s environment committee United States of America USA four unusually freezing winters succession cold Earth climate global warming climate denier deny contrarian skeptic sceptic climate weather weather patterns develop change over hours days weeks climate changes over years decades American landmass surface of the globe temperatures well below average world abnormally warm connection between climate change colder winters parts of the northern hemisphere link Arctic region poles colder equator air streams north south equalise temperatures northern hemisphere flow jet stream rotation of the Earth stream turns right as the planet spins flows wavy line around the pole northern hemisphere jet stream warmer air from the south more temperate weather northern regions flows Arctic warming faster Earth temperatures at the north pole risen temperate latitudes difference between the poles equator moderating effect northern weather Jennifer Francis Rutgers University northern hemisphere westerly wind speeds weaken weak weakened flow faltered undulations of the jet stream gentle waves bigger loops low-pressure areas cold air build up polar vortices freezing weather patterns America northern Siberia Arctic warms cools Dr Francis’s Nature Geoscience retreat of the Arctic sea ice doubled probability severe winters Europe Asia researchers Elizabeth Barnes Colorado State University statistical links changes Arctic jet stream scientific controversy climate change global warming skeptic sceptic /