Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Phonebloks — it just might happen (video)

Credit: Hack A Day

You may remember a previous post about Phonebloks, the modular smartphone platform. At the time it seemed like a good idea, not really likely to become a commercial product. Now Motorola is adding a bit of real development & marketing muscle. / tips line blowing Motorola’s Project Ara smart phone modularity modular components plug into base endoskeleton skeleton news coverage strewn across Web Project Ara similar vaporware Phonebloks concept Ask Hackaday article conspiracy theory circulating Motorola released concept viral marketing scheme generate hype official product line Hacker News Israeli startup, Modu similar modular mobile cell phone Google bought patents Project Ara is revised Modu partner partners partnered Phonebloks’ creator Dave Hakkens vaporware unavoidable hardware limitations hardware Android platform software vibrant third party third-party developer ecosystem lower barriers entry increase pace innovation substantially compress development timelines time times open source open-source hardware advances 3D printing evolving open hardware ecosystem next era phone development hack hacking hacker small startup company relationship PC peripherals peripheral slot slots attach attaching additional components website partnership /