Credit: Dave Hakkens/ YouTube/ Huffington Post
With mobile phone use close to saturation, most new phones are bought as an incremental improvement over a still adequate previous phone. In my own case, a 3.5 inch screen just wasn't cutting it any more.
What if, instead of replacing the entire phone, you could just replace the screen, camera, Bluetooth, or whatever other component is no longer performing to spec, or has been superseded?
Phonebloks may be your answer. / Dave Hakkens buy electronics inherently wasteful phone feature phone smartphone smart phone new device comes out old one tossed garbage rubbish trash dump shelf to collect dust Netherlands Dutch designer change Lego-like device Lego like parts of the phone entire device can be replaced new phone threw away many good components bluetooths speakers displays thrown out away one other component is broken email This felt like a real waste introduction introduce introduced develop development developing design designer designing Phonebloks smartphone detachable components front back everything processor camera easily upgraded without discarding the rest of the phone contraption held together by a pegboard-style pegboard style base screen also replaceable mounted on the front one block camera lens battery storage block plug into the base blocks base screen secured together two screws individual blocks can be replaced become outdated simply break broken breaking electronic waste drastically reduced phone keep good parts replace the bad ones cell mobile video outlining the device pictures photographs photograph picture pop in high-resolution camera storage music larger storage block hardware would be built on an open platform product production fruition service called Thunderclap Phonebloks enthusiasts companies launch product consumers buy /