Credit: Reserve Strap/Digital Trends
With a claimed battery life of 19 hours, a strap with built in battery sounds like a must-have accessory for the Apple Watch. Enter the Reserve Strap, with built-in lithium ion battery & inductive charger.
Video at Funky Space Monkey mentions Kickstarter, but a search at for “reserve strap” & “reservestrap”, found no matches.
Manufacturer’s web site:
At $250 on pre-order, this strap will make an expensive watch even more so. $250, will get you a Pebble Time smartwatch, after Kickstarter pre-orders are fulfilled, leave your with $51 in your pocket, & still provide better battery life.
More about Pebble Time: / Apple Watch accessory makers Reserve Strap replacement strap Apple Watch charge recharge charges while you wear it aesthetic appeal Apple’s own bands stylish looks battery that lasts Shaky battery life major problems wearable a day’s use out of it at best 400mAh battery power pair of lithium-ion cells LiIon integrated inductive charging cradle between the watch and your wrist technology Apple’s official charger holes cut out smartwatch’s sensors can still operate /