Credit: OpenWorm/Gizmag
You've heard of open software, well ... this is an open worm!
Video: / OpenWorm project create created creating first artificial lifeform bottom-up bottom up computer model millimeter-sized millimeter sized size nemotode worm simplest known multicellular organisms organism step forward OpenWorm research researching researcher researchers complete completed simulation nematode's 302 neurons 95 muscle cells cell worm wriggling around in fine form wriggle C. elegans nemotode simplest multicellular organisms known hermaphroditism hermaphrodite hermaphroditic life form 959 cells 302 neuron neurons simple simplify simplicity nematode usual challenges challenge living feeding feed food reproduction reproduce reproducing avoid avoiding eat eaten model the complex behavior organism OpenWorm collaboration develop development developing bottom up bottom-up description describe making models model individual C. elegans cells cell cellular interactions observe observation observed functionality real world real-world nematodes realistic behavior will emerge individual cells act real organism artificial animal input-output input output models individual cells cell model muscle cell size shape relaxed mechanical properties membrane interior innards connect connected contact cell membranes reuron neurons contact structure produce following list behaviors stimulate stimulation stimulated passive active responses cells surrounding model approach homeostatic dynamic behaviors modeled complete description underlying chemical reactions reaction /