Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value. — R. Buckminster Fuller
Looks like this principle is about to be demonstrated once more, this time, by the coffee industry.
Processing coffee requires large amounts of water. As the producer of 70% of the world's coffee, much of the coffee processing occurs in South America, where waste water is a major source of riverine pollution. Things are about to improve, however, as this hitherto misunderstood resource is about to be turned into a source of green energy. / Latin America coffee environment community health coffee production wastewater released untreated rivers affecting aquatic fauna flora downstream communities coffee wastewater organic waste high toxicity affects soil generates greenhouse-gas emissions methane health environmental problems coffee wastewater Central American farmers coffee wastewater generate energy UTZ Certified Energy from Coffee Wastewater project protect water resources generate energy treating discharge from coffee mills Han De Groot coffee production fresh water sustainable wastewater treat treatment treated environment oxygen aquatic life /