Credit: Chris Smith/Boy Genius Report
An interesting twist in the linked article, is that much of the recent concern about security of Huawei & ZTE communication equipment was that it would displace US manufactured equivalents, limiting US surveillance opportunities. / report The Guardian NSA National Security Agency allegedly tampering with US USA made electronic equipment server servers router routers network devices export exported foreign markets insert backdoor surveillance malware activated spy on networks agency implants backdoor surveillance tools repackages device devices factory seal sends them on The Guardian writes gains access to entire networks user users NSA leaked document SIGINT signal intelligence tradecraft is very hands-on literally documents Edward Snowden operations dating date June 2010 beacon implanted supply chain supply-chain interdiction called back NSA covert infrastructure provided us access exploit device survey the network U.S. government accused Chinese companies including Huawei ZTE newly revealed documents NSA inserting spying tools networking equipment U.S. market investigations House Intelligence Committee evidence Chinese government Huawei ZTE devices spy on other countries surveillance competition /