Credit: gigaom / Web handle video Comcast people watch television content pay TV service using the Web home would consume 648 gigabytes per month not nearing some technical tipping point Netflix YouTube Hulu pay TV’s on-demand applications about to break the web worse point where web giants ISPs ISP backbone providers content companies trying make rational decisions about delivering video avoid servers server network assets sit idle avoid over-investment over investment result consumers stuck in the middle know what’s wrong who who’s fault online video stream sucks fail fails peering battle between Verizon Cogent causes poor Netflix experience inability high quality YouTube stream consumer experience feel like an after thought problem ivideo delivery Web fragmented Netflix video Amazon’s cloud delivered via Level 3 Akamai Cogent ISP’s ISP network cached ISP’s data center Netflix Open Connect box movie stream last mile traverse ISP hit hitting your home flakey Wi-Fi network congested pipe to the house multiple points of failure report out Monday Sandvine many points of failure Sandvine makes deep packet inspection gear for ISPs tracking traffic Internet trends report tackle opaque world peer peering interconnects show where Web failing why business sometimes problems arise content company doesn’t have enough servers meet simultaneous demand content something Sandvine happens YouTube during lunchtime rush chart problems caused congested ports where middle mile provider Cogent Level 3 meets meet ISPs’ ISP network report explain how internet works where those points interconnect interconnection interconnections detailing some technical truths illustrate ISP behaving badly network congestion example report explains companies Netflix Google can save content serving costs deliver delivering packets big burst bursting behavior drive the last mile network operate at its peak causing problems latency sensitive packets VoIP driving up peak driven peak-driven network capital cost streaming servers more efficient when less context-switching content switching switch switched packet incentive incents content provider content-provider hosting provider CDN burst towards toward user switch another user pulse-width-modulation pulse width modulation bandwidth reduces context switches server additional bandwidth served hosting facility when other end stream reaches consumer bursts cause considerable additional cost access provider report accuses sites use adaptive bit rate streaming Netflix Hulu degrading performance other traffic user user’s network pushing aside non adaptive non-adaptive content gaming VoIP HTTP conclusion each player network being selfish cost quality Internet experience for Don Bowman CTO Sandvine recommends solution selfishness isn’t regulation transparency data on cost quality published interconnection point helps consumers regulators where to place blame all players act altruistically altruistic altruism more fairly secrecy around peering arrangements many conflicts interests within players between them create perfect opportunity speculation accusation little chance constructive change /