Credit: Google Play/Android Police
We've all been there: you download an app on the understanding that it is free. Then you find out that its functionality is not all that was advertised, unless you pay for an "in-app purchase". Well, things are about to change for the better in the Google Play Store: / Google representative statement European Commission consumer protection agencies Google Play user users better protections children potential changes Play Store US non-European locations consumer unrest in-app purchases free-to-play games Europe European Commission EU EU's legislative arm issued instructions Google Apple more accurately market free games instructed both companies buy virtual items real money complaints consumers Google committed stop referring games in-app purchases free hard rule very little room for interpretation European Commission's press release free games in-app purchases developing targeted guidelines app developers prevent direct exhortation children time-framed measures monitor breaches of EU consumer laws free-to-play games IAP Play Store re-labeled Google will stop referring to them as such IAP games free promotions Play Store home page Top Free list either Top Free Play Store list Android pad tablet phone game developers publishers policies buy virtual items ask their parents to United States US Play Store complaints play playing online /