Credit: Janet Cloninger/ The Gadgeteer
A problem with the built in flash on cameras, even expensive ones, is that it produces very harsh illumination & the dreaded red-eye. Lightscoop is a reflector which fits in front of the built in flash & bounces the light off the ceiling or wall, giving a much more even, softer light & completely eliminating red-eye.
Does it work? Compare the image above with the results you get from the flash on your camera. / Cameras 35 mm 35mm film digital equipment lens lenses filters price built-in flashes flash speedlight built in point directly centre center field power photograph photographs photo photos hot spot hotspot hot-spot dark background artistic snapshots snapshot image mugshot mugshots Professor Kobre camera harsh light 35mm SLR DSLR’s bounce light-colored light colored coloured color colour ceiling wall light subject exposure adjustment +1 +2 -1 -2 /