Credit: popSLATE/Wired
popSLATE adds a second screen to your iPhone 5 or 6. iPhones already have screens that critics rave about — why add another?
By using an E-Ink display, popSLATE brings a different set of characteristics that lend themselves to different uses:
● ultra low power
● only consumes power when the display changes
● monochrome
● produces no light itself
● clearest in direct sunlight
Different uses, such as:
● decorative — protective phone cases often have a decorative image — popSLATE can have one that can be changed as often as desired, & the display only consumes power when it changes
● any other display which is required for an extended period — speaking notes, lists, directions, e-reader — can be displayed without the battery drain of the main screen
● any display which must be viewed in direct sunlight
Indiegogo page:
popSLATE’s Indiegogo campaign has ended, but you can still pre-order one at: / E-Ink eink screen back your smart phone case smartphone smart-phone low power low-power always on always-on customizable integration popSLATE roadmap iPhone 5 case low-power always on readable direct sunlight customizable images share cool stuff favorite app functionality snap a picture grab images screenshots slideshow screen keeps turning view something meeting ultra-low-power very ultra low power always on possibilities urgent notifications sports scores maps notes calendar talking points Micro E-Reader ereader Kindle LCD screen open API build always-on applications new ways for people to interact with the phone ruggedized E-Ink screen protects nearly indestructible power when the image changes negligible power lightning connector power data exchange shortcut navigation tactile interface accelerometer double tap back cycle through images app take pictures camera browse image gallery manage library connect users send receive images messages screen ruggedized 4” 4 inch diagonal