Sunday, 14 June 2015

Furniture orchard

Furniture orchard?

Well, grow apples in an apple orchard.

So ... in a furniture orchard ...

By contrast with conventional furniture making, Full Grown, claims its furniture absorbs more carbon than is released into the atmosphere in its production.

Radio Canada


Full Grown company web site / furniture designer Derbyshire unique approach making new pieces grow ground Gavin Munro design designs use trees grown around plastic frames chairs, tables lamps made single piece wood furniture grown ash sycamore hazel crabapple sessile oak royal oak years ready harvest first prototype chair five years to grow pendant lamps Munro's company Full Grown planting trees grow furniture 3,000 trees planted 2.5 acre site production trees planted shoots trained grow around frame shaped piece of furniture chair lamp table frame mirror company's website thicken few years harvested seasoned dries process different conventional methods mass-producing wooden furniture trees grown decades cut into small pieces manufacture method slow creates huge amounts of waste damages environment Full Grown first prototypes chair pendant lamp made from salix viminalis native English willow orders being taken ready-grown bespoke furniture furniture thousands of years history developments production process mechanisation machine machining modernisation Full Grown response 3D printing time of change future objects printed growing trees directly into shape objects more personal elegant durable /