Credit: Digital Trends / experiment experimental develop development gadget device test tested paralysis paralyze paralyze paralyzed wheelchair users user move around controlling control equipment magnetic piercing miniature joystick disable disability disabled people restricted movements movement independent independence researcher esearch teams team Atlanta Chicago coordinated staff Georgia Institute of Technology developed Tongue Drive System wireless technology pass communications between stud piercing other devices wheelchair computer provide viable alternative existing sip suck blow puff sip-and-puff control system users must blow straw intentions known group of patients paralyzed neck down test testing new tongue operated tongue-operated system maneuvering maneuver wheelchairs wheelchair variety of obstacle courses gadget control PC really powerful because so intuitive Jason DiSanto 39 Atlanta tester testers details research published Science Translational Medicine journal attracted attention medical experts expert limited ability control power wheelchair options Dr. Brad Dicianno rehabilitation specialist University of Pittsburgh Medical Center interesting promise tongue control technology used within laboratories laboratory study studies device production product available biomedical engineer Maysam Ghovanloo natural versatility tongue piercing advantage /