Computing has become mobile. As mobile as you want. Smartphone, tablet, laptop. Almost any screen size between 2.8 & 20 inches. This web page has been created, almost exclusively, on mobile devices. Currently, an 8 inch tablet.
Printers, on the other hand have been much less successful in the mobile sphere. Generally they are not actually very portable, & create restrictions on paper size. Paper size restrictions are greatest in the most portable devices.
Zuta took a different view: a printer is a print head in a box, along with the mechanics & electronics to move the print head & paper around. Why not get rid of the box & the bits to move the paper, attach the remaining mechanics & electronics directly to the print head, & print on a stationary sheet of paper?
Result: a smaller printer with the potential to print on any size of paper.
Connects via a
Bluetooth interface with
Android, IOS, Linux, OSX &
Zuta printer is a
Kickstarter project: / mobile printing printer prints smart phone smartphone any size page A4 legal mobile smartphones tablets laptops leave office fully connected work on the go device left behind mobile revolution printer working efficiently outside homes offices place to print mobile printer can be taken anywhere prints any device laptop tablet smartphone any sized page size printhead running left and right moving piece of paper printhead on a set of small wheels run across a piece of paper rechargeable battery connects directly smartphones PCs print on any size piece of paper neat silicone cover mars black printer reward titanium white activate activated slide sliding hatch bottom of the printer inkjet USB connection battery charging charge recharge device 1,000 printed pages grey scale greyscale gray scale grayscale omni-wheel system accurate accurately turn and drive any direction place the printer accurately accurate properly page guarantee an accurate outcome stabilizing sensors color colour colours colors Mars black Titanium white polycarbonate project college Jerusalem College of Technology Friedberg Entrepreneurship Program students programme sustainable business plan rigorous acceptance process capital prototype design designing production /