Credit: Gizmag
Your smartphone has lots of processing power (4 cores common, 8 in the new Galaxy S4) & storage (at least 4 GB, 64 GB removable in some). In practice, the biggest barrier to productivity on a smartphone is the user interface: screen & keyboard are too small.
Solution: Casetop adds an 11 inch screen & full size keyboard to your smartphone (iPhone, Android or Blackberry). User interface problems solved. And it charges your phone while it's connected. Casetop is a Kickstarter project.
Cost: Apart from the screen, all of the expensive parts are already in your smartphone, so you can have Casetop for only $250.
Why is this a fabulous idea? Full size (well, 11 inch) screen, full size keyboard & BIG (!) battery for your smartphone. You could even downsize your smartphone (say S4 replacing Note 2) for a saving on purchase price & a more convenient size phone.
One more thing: funding target is $300,000, not $3 million as indicated in the Gizmag article. / memory Bluetooth HDMI island keys Apple IBM Android iOS iPhone smart phone Samsung HTC Blackberry Microsoft Windows /