Friday, 20 September 2013

Will the Oppo N1 be the first CyanogenMod phone? (video)

Credit: Oppo/ GigaOm

The "leak":

Looks likely that the phone will be able to dual boot Cyanogen & the Oppo version of Android:

Other interesting features:
• touch sensitive rear panel
• 5.9 inch screen
plug in lenses

Not so promising:
• no auto focus (possibly a consequence of the "plug in lenses")
• no front camera

Specs: / CyanogenMod Cyanogen company release hardware CyanogenMod software device partner teaser video Oppo’s YouTube account phone September 23 video CyanogenMod co-founder Steve Kondik pair Google Glass attend attending Oppo event Bejing exciting news screen goes to black text Oppo N1 appears Possibilities unfold on September 23 running CyanogenMod proven manufacture manufacturing manufacturer high quality high-quality devices software experience gain exposure China best known high end high-end Blu-ray players player play partnership hardware game spread software through app Google Play two versions of the phone running CyanogenMod Oppo’s modified version of Android flavour flavor offered rear touch panel A brand new user experience UI user interface apps applications application software engineer OS operating system manager management manage architect architecture code support firmware ROM distribution release update Android Google proprietary /