Credit: Eco News
US military thinks so. Something similar from the UK armed forces. Many other nations too: / world world’s leading militaries global warming climate change Pentagon most comprehensive climate change plan identifies climate change immediate threat must be dealt with now Great Brittain United Kingdom England Scotland Wales impact impacts climate change integrated into future military planning countries world identifying climate change threat to national security soaring global temperatures rising sea levels increased increasing increases weather events play a role intensifying conflicts increasing displacement people worsening destruction natural disasters defense defence department climate change threat multiplier climate change armed conflict available availability food water human migration resettlement struggles essential resources increased movement of people within countries across borders making conflict worse engage in conflict assist during humanitarian disasters plans world changing climate responses mitigation reduce greenhouse gas emissions adaptation cope changing climate US Navy Great Green Fleet ships powered biofuel used cooking oil algae Navy’s energy security problem reducing emissions prepare humanitarian assistance disaster relief extreme weather related disasters more frequent intense respond to climate change Australia Australia’s military responding global energy food water coastal flooding low lying regions increase natural disasters changes rainfall patterns agriculture agricultural production large scale human migration pressure resources increase risk insecurity conflict comprehensive response to climate changevevidence clear compelling very real challenges warming planet /