Thursday 23 February 2012

Germany's solar schadenfreude

/ glee  France export /

Apple's secret weapon against Windows 8 (& why OS X 10.8 will be Apple's most important OS release since iOS)

Statistic of the day: "Apple has sold more iOS devices in the past year than it has sold Macs in 28 years."

Alan Wake proves that PC gaming is still alive & well, & earns back development & marketing costs in 48 hours

/ alive viable costs /

NASA spacecraft reveals recent geological activity on the Moon

/ geological activity interior /

Aquamarine Power to connect wave energy generator to UK National Grid

/ Aquamarine /

MIT researchers build wireless "pharmacy on a chip"

/ pharmacy on a chip /

DARPA reveals Avatar program, robot soldiers incoming

/ incoming /

Spin-resistant airplane makes it easier to not die while flying

/ stall /

Week in tech: hacktivism, Slowloris, warrantless spying, & insecure keys

/ week hacktivism Slowloris /

BlackBerry Playbook OS 2.0 release confirmed for February 21st

Penn psychologists find 6-to-9-month-olds understand the meaning of many spoken words

/ Penn University of Pennsylvania psychologists infants learning /

ACTA loses more support in Europe

/ Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Bulgaria ratify /

Apple's iPad loses market share in Q4 to ... the BlackBerry PlayBook?

Bluetooth-connected Beam toothbrush helps you brush better

And everything's better with Bluetooth!

/ toothbrush brush /

Apple: iOS to require explicit permission for contact data in "future software release"

The rock record got a bad rap. Fossil diversity accurately reflects history

/ paleontologists geological instrument fidelity /

Nyrius NAEB500 noise isolating in-ear earphones review

+ at $50, a good step up in quality of sound & construction from the cheapies

- no mike/remote

/ cancelling /

Goldfish funeral (video)

Not a new joke, but it's the 1st time I've seen it in video.