Tuesday 17 November 2015

If you want this for your child ...

If you want this for your child, don’t vaccinate.

A Brisbane (Queensland, Australia) woman has been attacked on Facebook, in private messages, by anti-vaccination proponents, after she posted a similar video.

This item on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation site, includes the original video:

What is whooping cough (pertussis)?
/ Brisbane woman anti-vaxxers targeted private messages Facebook post sharing her son's battle whooping cough went viral Rebecca Harreman's Facebook status short video comforting her four-month-old son rubbed his red eyes small coughing fit viewed more than 475,000 times shared 13,500 uploaded Friday son's 20-plus day battle whooping cough pertussis messages love support friends family strangers those against vaccination personally message me offend my views MY views anti-vaxxers anti-vaxxers share say unreliable have my say share my own personal experience turning a blind eye sharing opinions freedom of speech Ms Harreman video her son good coughing fit watching him turn blue coughing can't take a single breath on duty three weeks wake every single time my baby boy coughs fear he will stop breathing vaccinate yourself and your kids Ms Harreman Facebook post supported her stance appreciate messages love support well wishes Austin anti-vaxxers post public thank you family my son his health doing nothing is just wrong whooping cough highly contagious respiratory infection infection causes severe coughing fits whooping sound on inhaling often vomiting particularly serious children up to two years of age especially infants less than six months can be fatal age range 0.5 and 1 per cent children who catch whooping cough die from the disease outlook improves in older children vaccinations herd immunity side effects I tried to do something to prevent this do nothing /