/ taking performance monitoring into the bedroom know how much getting out of their exercise use cycling computers pedometer pedometers exercise machines machine read out happening Watt tracking exertion bedroom down calorie calories handful research researching researchers 21 couples agree wear devices track energy used onset foreplay end intercourse partner having have orgasm result sex pretty good exercise comparable compare moderate workout treadmill almost all participants reported sexual activity more pleasant than treadmill exercise Men burned more than women 4.2 kCal/minute 3.1 kCal foreplay likely actual sex was even more energetic energy intensive author authors missed out great opportunity correlate calories kilo calorie burned pleasure all participants rate their own partner partner's apparent enjoyment rating rated exercise experience few exceptions exception more fun than a treadmill rate rating ratings same percentage man men woman women rated pleasure high difference both sexes think men enjoy more result men underestimate their partner partner's enjoyment women overestimate confirmed sex dates Jurassic change changed 165 million years insect insects called froghoppers fossil fossilized the act coitus permanentus earliest confirmed instance sex among insects fossils visible genitalia predate assume organs used purpose genitalia froghoppers apparently stuck evolve evolution evolved froghoppers genitalic genitalia genitals genital symmetry mate mating position remained static over 165 million years /