Friday 25 March 2011

Worse Than Jail: Sentenced To Life On YouTube

Remember the earlier post, "Laptop Thief's Ridiculous Dance Video Posted By Tech-Savvy Victim"?  The story continues:

Important things to consider here:
  • The theft wasn't an impulse action, immediately regretted. The thief was happy to make use of his new acquisition to make the (now infamous) video.
  • There is no reason to think the laptop would have been returned but for the video.
  • There is no reason to think that anyone less tech savvy than the owner of the laptop would have his laptop back, or an apology.
  • The thief has returned the laptop & made a statement.
  • Legal action may yet be taken by "the detective".
  • As of 22:55 GMT Friday 25 March the video is still on YouTube at:
What would you do?

iOS 4.3 Users Report Reduced Battery Performance

What Happened With The NBN This Week?

How To Perform Site-Specific Searches From Firefox’s Address Bar

Track Unauthorised Access To Your Gmail And Facebook Accounts

Pogoplug Beta Turns Your Computer Into A File And Print Server

The Only Secure Password Is The One You Can’t Remember

1Password has been mentioned previously on this site.  Highly recommended. / password secure password security security vitally important even more important store more more our lives online banking information photos our kids stored kept in the cloud our data information kept behind secure passwords passwords kept LastPass 1Password highly recommended users LastPass customers suffered data breach reset their passwords precaution LastPass confident hackers gain access any information user’s account LastPass account email addresses password reminders authentication hashes users should change LastPass master password as soon as possible time to panic confident encryption measures sufficient protect vast majority of users LastPass strengthens strong password authentication hash random salt 100,000 rounds of server-side PBKDF2-SHA256 rounds performed client-side additional strengthening makes it difficult attack stolen hashes significant speed LastPass user data passwords usernames sites stored accessible at any time reset your LastPass master password best course of action use that same password elsewhere change that password as well security notice LastPass website /

Use Dropbox To Get Back Your Stolen Computer

Drive Won't Mount

Two points:
  1. You've heard it before, but obviously, it needs to be said again: unless you are happy to lose it, back it up.
  2. Before using the freezer, check the reply from reader "Ramses".

Sync Your Android To Dropbox In Real Time With Titanium Media Sync

Tracking Your WiFi Trail At The Airport