Tuesday 27 December 2016

Tick bites can cause allergies – which may be life threatening

A tick bite is unpleasant, but more importantly, can lead to two different types of allergies – one of which can be life threatening.

● Mammalian Meat Allergy (MMA) – i.e. an allergy to red meat – all red meat, including the obvious ones – beef, lamb, pork – & also meat from virtually any mammal, including kangaroo, deer & bison. Symptoms – gastro-intestinal.

● Allergy to the tick bite itself is also possible, & this one is life threatening. Symptom – anaphylactic shock.

What can you do?

● Avoid ticks – easier said than done, if you live in an area with a high level of tick infestation, such as the east coast of Australia.

● Make sure you remove ticks correctly – if you are bitten, this is essential to ensure you don’t acquire either of the allergies mentioned above – most people's reaction is to scratch it, which is a bad idea, & using tweezers is the worst thing you can do.

More, including how to correctly remove ticks:

If you only want to know how to remove a tick, here it is in just 1 minute & 47 seconds:

/ tick protein meat allergy tick allergy Mammalian Meat Allergy MMA anti-GAL anti GAL ALPHA GAL ALPHA-GAL antibody antigen anti galactose red meat great apes old world monkeys galactose bite mouth inject local anaesthetic gastric gastroenteritis meat allergy tick bite anaphylactic shock anaphylaxis life threatening larvae larva nymph nymphs ether Wart Off scabies /