Saturday 25 October 2014

Promising method for detecting pancreatic cancer years before traditional diagnosis

Early detection of a cancer means much better chance of a cure. Some cancers, such as skin & breast cancer are relatively easy to detect early because they can be detected by sight or touch. Others, such as pancreatic cancer as more difficult.

Recently, a high level of certain amino acids has been found to indicate an elevated risk of pancreatic cancer years later. / cancer diagnosis earlier treatments more effective survival more likely early detection regular checkups found sight touch much more difficult detect more deadly pancreatic cancer pancreas hidden deep in the body tumors discovered routine examination exams noticeable symptoms advanced stage organs 40,000 people die of pancreatic cancer USA US United States each year MIT study pancreatic cancers detectable years before diagnosis analyzing blood long-term health study participants researchers flood particular amino acids significantly more likely diagnosed pancreatic cancer later on collaboration Broad Institute researchers tested levels metabolic molecules blood proteins sugars telltale signs biomarkers disease signature predicting pancreatic cancer diagnosis three branched chain amino acids leucine isoleucine valine Matthew Vander Heiden senior author paper associate professor of biology Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research patients elevated levels three amino acids treatment /

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