Credit: Google/International Digital Times
New technologies require a new way of thinking. Computers have become so small that a computer in your phone is taken for granted. Wearable devices constitute another response. Adding computing power to an existing device, to produce the smart watch, was an obvious development. Less obvious was Google Glass. Now, Google hopes to use their smart contact lenses to improve health in many ways, including:
● monitor blood sugar level
● check blood alcohol level
● treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
● deliver drugs
● monitor glaucoma / diabetes patients Google’s smart contact lens project wearable technology test testing high-tech contact lens diabetes finger pricks glucose levels monitor diabetes patients’ blood-sugar level blood sugar reading patient’s tears smart device measure glucose levels miniature wireless chip glucose sensor embedded in the contact lens project Brian Otis Babak Parviz Google’s X department University of Washington professor Google Glass project founder research connected smart contact lenses U.S. Food and Drug Administration device prototype scientists investigated body fluids tears track glucose levels miniaturized electronics chips sensors antenna tiny wireless chip miniaturized glucose sensor Google Glass smartwatches wearable technology developments medicine public health consumer interest Google Glass Pebble smartwatch biometric technologies Touch ID finger prick testing light box external light sources reset patient circadian rhythm LED light-emitting diodes user's pineal gland stimulated non-image retinal pathway modulation seratonin control mood light box Jacksonville Florida patents technology distribute anti-inflammatory eye drops allergy dry eye sufferers monitor inflammation administer treatment inflammatory mediators irritant dilatation of blood vessels anti inflammatory therapeutic agents eye drops drug delivery emit medications treat painkillers antibiotics monitor glaucoma patients curvature of the eye /
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