Friday, 20 June 2014

Why unlocking mobile phones is both a consumer rights & a green issue (video)

My solution to all of these issues, no matter where you live: buy an unlocked phone outright. / lock unlock mobile cell smartphone freedom sale resale provider contract abuse cell phone unlocking flew under the radar consumers phones carrier Librarian of Congress banned practice software tweak disables device’s SIM lock contract is over owners of unlocked devices switch carrier AT&T Verizon unlocking a cell phone violation of copyright under the 1998 Digital Millenium Copyright Act law prevent piracy exempted Librarian of Congress illegal ban January 26 Internet protest digital rights activists personal property proponents mobilized forces petition We the People White House official petitioning forum support demand legalize cell phone unlocking White House response administration cell phones tablets smartphone smart phone common sense protect protecting consumer choice competitive wireless market delivers innovative products solid service meet consumer needs R. David Edelson White House senior advisor Internet consumer and digital rights unlocking also a green issue decommissioned every single day United States junk drawer rotting in landfills one billion cell phones sitting idle drawers closets losing value put back into service swapping old phones same carrier artificial limitation sharing economy re-legalizing unlocking more devices in service out of the national waste stream environment wireless technology iPhones iPads Samsung has produced 800 million mobile phones environmental consequences electronics manufacturing isn’t a clean industry conflict minerals e-waste electronics recycle recycling recycled landfills environmental damage electronics manufacturing gadgets reusable lock locked devices recycle recycling recycled free market economics /

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