Credit: How Stuff Works
Can the human brain, like a computer, be hacked?
Is treating post traumatic stress disorder an application? / mind hack hacker hacking hacked vulnerable susceptible episode Science Channel Through the Wormhole host Morgan Freeman explores potential dangers hacking the mind computers human brains vulnerable vulnerability hackers technology already allow allowing scientists read people's people person person's thoughts plant new ones in the brain explores the potential dangers hacking the mind world of data show our innermost thoughts Super-Intelligent Machine super intelligent Robotic Futures show sophisticated forms of mind reading neuroscientists already translating language brain plain English neuroscientist Jack Gallant University of California Berkeley UCB compiling brain dictionary translate thoughts into pictures words colleagues showed people different images measuring brain activity via functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI brain activity team reconstruct approximate images people saw scientists also developing dictionary concepts allows them guess what people are thinking images they're seeing mental modification technologies already raising ethical issues how fast technology progress explore startling possibility thoughts decoded could they also be altered turn amateur into expert mission neuroscientist entrepreneur Chris Berka athletes performers experts state extreme mental focus called being in the zone zone state amateur amateurs can achieve particular signature brain activity neurotech company Berka runs developing technology monitor people's brain activity during task archery notify them when they have reached their peak performance state aka zone technology people ability hack into their own brains order improve their performance plant thoughts there computer programmers break secure systems using cracks sense of smell exploit crack brain Ilana Hairston psychologist The Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo Israel smell plant information brains while they sleep train trains snoozing people to associate certain pleasant foul odors particular sound notion sounds like science fiction sci-fi, relies brain pathway allows senses like smell enter brain without conscious awareness mind probe probing mind-probing efforts method methods described aim restore improve human abilities imply future PTSD bad memory trauma traumatize traumatise New York Psychoanalytic Institute cerebral grad students stag, neuroscientist Daniela Schiller mini lecture mini-lecture memory recent research memories memory unchanging physical traces trace brain malleable constructs rebuilt every time they are recalled research suggests doctors psychotherapists knowledge help patients block block fearful emotions experience recalling traumatic event converting chronic sources debilitating anxiety benign trips down memory lane /
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